Healthier, Safer, Greener, Fairer

A better Barnsbury & Laycock for all

The Barnsbury & Laycock Liveable Neighbourhood consultation has finally begun! The plans are ambitious, and will create healthier, safer, greener, fairer streets for all.

Now is the time to support the plans yourself and make sure friends and neighbours do too. But be quick: the Council’s survey ends this Sunday 22 October!

Have Your Say

Respond to the survey and support the plans
(Closes Sunday 22 Oct)

Respond Now


Stay up to date and find out how you can help our campaign to transform our streets.

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Learn More about the plans on the Council's website.

Adults and children walk under trees in a pedestrianised street on a sunny day.

What is a Liveable Neighbourhood?

It's a network of streets where people are prioritised over cars. Through traffic is removed or reduced, making it safer and more enjoyable for residents to walk, wheel, and cycle. Less traffic improves existing green spaces and creates opportunities for new ones. All homes and businesses remain accessible by vehicle.

A fashion shoot in the middle of the street in the Hackney Downs LTN.
What will you use our streets for?

What are the benefits?

Streets can do more than carry rat-running cars and vans! When we reclaim some of that space for people, incredible things can happen.

Less traffic
  • Many vehicle trips have been replaced by people walking, wheeling and cycling according to monitoring reports from schemes elsewhere in Islington. The young, old and inexperienced feel safe to play, walk and cycle. Many disabled people feel safer navigating quieter streets.
  • Traffic has reduced by 64% on roads within Islington People Friendly Streets and on average by 3% on boundary roads.
Healthier communities
A small child on a bicycle rides through a traffic filter.

Why do we need changes here?

The status quo isn’t forever. And that’s a good thing, because there are lots of things we need to improve! Fortunately, enabling people of all ages and abilities to walk, wheel and cycle helps with all of these.

  • Child asthma levels in Islington are amongst the highest in London with an average of two kids in every class diagnosed with asthma.
  • Nearly 40% of children at year six in Islington are overweight/obese.
Air Pollution
The Environment
  • Only 33% of Islington families (mainly better-off ones) have access to private cars but we all suffer the consequences of traffic.
  • We’ve had traffic filters in the area since the 1960s but they only benefit a few streets. A 2023 upgrade is needed to make Barnsbury & Laycock a more people-friendly place for all.

Take a Look

Our interactive map has all the Council’s proposals laid out in one place.

Learn More

Have Your Say

Respond to the survey and support the proposals. (Closes Sunday 22 Oct)

Respond Now


Stay up to date and find out how you can help transform our streets.

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